HORTUM is a short film about self-destruction and the struggle with losing the battle with addiction. It’s an artistic celebration of being at the edge. The inspiration for the film is based on the directors relative who was diagnosed with a terminal medical condition that ultimately fed and fueled his self-destructive behavior. Throughout this cycle, the director was both inspired and frightened by his actions. HORTUM visualizes those memories of addiction and self destruction in the form of installations and performances. HORTUM is a story of a man who was an artist, but was unaware as the result of his addiction. HORTUM is the illustration of emotions that show there is no beginning and no end to the struggle.
Hortum was written and directed by Ayse Altinok who is a CD at W+K Amsterdam. From our team Guy and Joep were responsible for doing the music and sound design this short art film. If you want to know more about the film, there's a website you should check here.