Thursday, May 14, 2009

MassiveMusic & The Lift host ‘NO PARTY' at this year’s Cannes Lions

Streaker on the MassiveWednesday party in 2008. (c) Photo by Usual Suspects.

MassiveMusic and film production company The Lift announced today that they will be hosting ‘NO PARTY’ together on the beach in La Douce France on what has come to be known as the MassiveWednesday. This could be good news for the dancing deprived, lucky few planning to attend the Canneslions festival.

With many of the bigger networks cancelling their annual ad beach bashes earlier this year, MassiveMusic & The Lift felt that the need for doing ‘NO PARTY’ was perhaps bigger than in any of the previous nine years that the MassiveWednesday party has been held. When asked if MassiveMusic would be hosting an event in Cannes this year, Hans Brouwer (CEO) replied: “No Music. No Fun. No Dancing. No Cannes. No Party?…No Way!” He continued: “Of course we realize that this year, for many, it may seem inappropriate to be celebrating with industry colleagues from around the world. And it would be ridiculous to go all out and pretend like nothing is different this Cannes. But with all the somberness and negativity around, why not put our joint energy and positivity together and at least have one party like there’s no tomorrow (no pun intended).”

will be hosted on the NOGA Beach and will see a diverse crowd of MassiveMusic’s & The Lift’s clients and friends. The MassiveWednesday party is said to be one of the perennial highlights of the Canneslions festival.

More info on 'NO PARTY' will follow soon in your e-mail box if you're lucky to get invited! :-)

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